The Major scale is very easy to recognize. Of all scales, it is the only scale that sounds complete. That may not make much sense without some context, but it is absolutely true.
The benefits gained from pacticing scales to the muscles in your hands and forearms are enormous. Practicing scales will give you better control over the strings which results in faster chording and better right-hand left-hand coordination. Practice, Practice, Practice!!!!
Learn this scale forward and backward. Practice it with your metronome set at its slowest speed if necessary. Tap your foot with the beat and play each note once for each beat. Begin picking down and pluck the next note on your upward motion. Do not waste any motion. Up, Down, Up, Down, Up, Down, even when you have to move to the next string. No Wasted Motion! Go up the scale from tonic to octace then descend down the scale to tonic again. You'll use this scale countless times over your career as a musician.
Note the patterns are identical. Play this pattern starting on any note on the E or A string (see neck below) and you are playing that note’s Major Scale. See the Legend below for info on which fingers to use when playing this scale.